January 2008

Overdue Update

Hello bods,

Well where do I start ,?

Been busy in the garden with my little chum , Andy and I think quite possibly I have utilised every possible piece of space for the upcoming months planting and the growing season this year.

No photos yet mainly because it was too dark to take any decent shots.

The front garden now has 4 raised beds adding 3 to the original 1, just to keep it balanced and using up the majority of the remaining recycled wood shed that I obtained on the first couple of weeks here.

It feels good to give something back by not wasting anything that can possibly be used in growing healthy fruit and veg.

Did I mention fruit , yes the beds are all planted with fruit bushed that I managed to get for £1 each , blackcurrants , redcurrants and 2 gooseberry bushes are installed , and as I type this I have just been delivered 6 or more raspberry canes [ apparently that’s the proper word ] by Smiley Chums Paul and Fee.

Fee has also offered to help me resolve my ongoing blog problems and host it on her server for me , so touchwood , when I get my domain name back from Fasthosts [ who managed to loose everything I have ever blogged about since first discovering NZ all those years ago , including all my follow up adventures Dm Course etc. etc. ] I will then hopefully be able to to have Naive Zebra back online , watch this space.

Scuba Gran , you getting to be a dab hand at this blogging , Scuba Ninja , still awaiting more updates and photos etc. on yours.

Murray thanks for comments and still bearing with my inability to hold down a regular web location.

Also interesting development from my inbox the other day.

BRB reboot required .

WTF have you seen the state of Me I am Slimehouse , really gaunt and really knackered now for the US career , when she gets convicted of narcotic offences , she won’t be going there.

Commercial suicide.

Spoiler Alert : Do not read if overseas Coronation St. Fans

Ah so Vera D , has shuffled off this mortal coil , Stan & Ninja will be devastated , as avid Kiwi & Nihon Corrie fans respectively.

Meanwhile back to the story , re my inbox on Facebook

Have a massive favour to ask you as you are possibly the only man with the capability and love to possibly do it. N and I are getting married on April 26th and is customary to give people at the meal a favour and we wanted to give people a small 3″ pot with a herb partially to fully grown in it.

We are having (here we go..) 80 family n a few friends to the meal and we love Sweet Basil, and Coriander but don’t know whether these are suitable for the time of year..

Gulp all hands to the pump.

I had to call in the assistance of Matron re this , 80 seedling great idea , the wedding favour that just keeps on giving.

Nice touch.

3 months to get them all germinated and potted out , going to be hard on the type of herbs that they want , but I am working out all sorts of alternatives , Paul & Fee have just offered me the chance to go around to theirs and Fee is going to help me take cuttings of Rosemary plants , so there is start , Matron has offered to help me out with any surplus tomato seedlings , I have tried to start off some sweet basil indoors , and started 2 types of early tomatoes.

Let’s see. What will be will be .

Some of last years late starting chilies are still going strong so they could be in the offing as well.

If I can get the seedling off and running , Matron reckons I may be lucky enough to get the rosemary to strike as well , Fee reckons I could also try some cutting off her lavender , it’s a veritable Quality St of flavours and scents.

But I love the idea of giving something that will grow rather than sweets and almonds.

Fee & Paul also loved it , so no doubt that’s why they are keen to help this ambitious project / request.

Overdue Update

Hello bods,

Well where do I start ,?

Been busy in the garden with my little chum , Andy and I think quite possibly I have utilised every possible piece of space for the upcoming months planting and the growing season this year.

No photos yet mainly because it was too dark to take any decent shots.

The front garden now has 4 raised beds adding 3 to the original 1, just to keep it balanced and using up the majority of the remaining recycled wood shed that I obtained on the first couple of weeks here.

It feels good to give something back by not wasting anything that can possibly be used in growing healthy fruit and veg.

Did I mention fruit , yes the beds are all planted with fruit bushed that I managed to get for £1 each , blackcurrants , redcurrants and 2 gooseberry bushes are installed , and as I type this I have just been delivered 6 or more raspberry canes [ apparently that’s the proper word ] by Smiley Chums Paul and Fee.

Fee has also offered to help me resolve my ongoing blog problems and host it on her server for me , so touchwood , when I get my domain name back from Fasthosts [ who managed to loose everything I have ever blogged about since first discovering NZ all those years ago , including all my follow up adventures Dm Course etc. etc. ] I will then hopefully be able to to have Naive Zebra back online , watch this space.

Scuba Gran , you getting to be a dab hand at this blogging , Scuba Ninja , still awaiting more updates and photos etc. on yours.

Murray thanks for comments and still bearing with my inability to hold down a regular web location.

Also interesting development from my inbox the other day.

BRB reboot required .

WTF have you seen the state of Me I am Slimehouse , really gaunt and really knackered now for the US career , when she gets convicted of narcotic offences , she won’t be going there.

Commercial suicide.

Spoiler Alert : Do not read if overseas Coronation St. Fans

Ah so Vera D , has shuffled off this mortal coil , Stan & Ninja will be devastated , as avid Kiwi & Nihon Corrie fans respectively.

Meanwhile back to the story , re my inbox on Facebook

Have a massive favour to ask you as you are possibly the only man with the capability and love to possibly do it. N and I are getting married on April 26th and is customary to give people at the meal a favour and we wanted to give people a small 3″ pot with a herb partially to fully grown in it.

We are having (here we go..) 80 family n a few friends to the meal and we love Sweet Basil, and Coriander but don’t know whether these are suitable for the time of year..

Gulp all hands to the pump.

I had to call in the assistance of Matron re this , 80 seedling great idea , the wedding favour that just keeps on giving.

Nice touch.

3 months to get them all germinated and potted out , going to be hard on the type of herbs that they want , but I am working out all sorts of alternatives , Paul & Fee have just offered me the chance to go around to theirs and Fee is going to help me take cuttings of Rosemary plants , so there is start , Matron has offered to help me out with any surplus tomato seedlings , I have tried to start off some sweet basil indoors , and started 2 types of early tomatoes.

Let’s see. What will be will be .

Some of last years late starting chilies are still going strong so they could be in the offing as well.

If I can get the seedling off and running , Matron reckons I may be lucky enough to get the rosemary to strike as well , Fee reckons I could also try some cutting off her lavender , it’s a veritable Quality St of flavours and scents.

But I love the idea of giving something that will grow rather than sweets and almonds.

Fee & Paul also loved it , so no doubt that’s why they are keen to help this ambitious project / request.

New Mixes : Made On My Birthday

Bleeps N Boots N Noise Birthday Noise

I tried to make a mix in every possible key available , not my normal sort of blend but nevertheless they seem to work some better than others.

Just click on the Hyperlink above and it will open in another window with it’s own player.

New Mixes : Made On My Birthday

Bleeps N Boots N Noise Birthday Noise

I tried to make a mix in every possible key available , not my normal sort of blend but nevertheless they seem to work some better than others.

Just click on the Hyperlink above and it will open in another window with it’s own player.

Peek A Boo


Might have to move the frame around are in shot better , this is my first attempt at remote snapping . so you never know what you are going to get out of 600 shots.

Peek A Boo

Peek A Boo 0016

Might have to move the frame around are in shot better , this is my first attempt at remote snapping . so you never know what you are going to get out of 600 shots.

Up’s n Downs

Hello you mob, ti only me.

Kato Junya San , thanks for your comments at least know this is being read by someone , my little niche of nearest n dearest chums in the globe.

Naive Zebra is still in the doldrums and it’s starting to really hack me off , considering they are billing me for hosting , I have a lovely chum called Fee who said she would host he whole lot for me for nix if I can just get all the data off their servers I will back the lot up and start from scratch.

Still in pain n swelling , but I had to the opportunity to go out with some lovely kiting fraternity chums just to get out for a beverage or two n snacks.

The lovely Crispy and L and PS.

Great smiles , lovely evening it felt good to be out amongst chums again , but it all ended too soon.

I was a tad naive to think cycling there n back and now I am paying the price , serious pain, serious serious pain.

As I listen to rain I wish I was on the deck of the Tree house or chewing the bit with my chum Kato San on the deck as we did so many times , but that’s a dream.

When The rain falls I think of my chums more , something therapeutic about rain ,

BTW Are testes meant to BE triangular ?

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