July 2008

In The Studio … Again

Suffering with a bit of pain at the moment , sitting down or doing anything too exerting , hurts a tad.

Still awaiting to find out what they are going to do with me to try and relieve this issue.

So I decided on some random tunes that I found tucked away in the archives to set up as a collection of playlists.

Sentient Soul , Weatherspoon Fringe Mix [ For Mac , Clappy & Taff ] , Com On Crazy Pointless Logic , is just stuff of nonsense, or is it ? [ Murray I had to do something for you buddy ]

Anyway enjoy.

I miss my chums.

A Day Out With Matron

Lovely Collar

I managed to get out today with my chum Matron.


I got told off for poaching.


Here’s some shots , just to add a bit of colour to your days , wherever you are in the globe.

The Wisley Visit

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