You Tube

Two Awful Video’s – FAO MY Paihia Dive Chums

These show how bad thing have become , two awful cheesey videos’.

Whoever signed these vid’s off as representing PiaHia [sic ] Dive HQ Needs shooting.

For Matron’s Trug Blog

Todays Harvest

Ukulele Orchestra of GB- Teen Ukulele

Just For Neil & Sean – Come As You Are

Stop! This Fence is not Ready Yet!

Well after worked mucked me and several others about and took one of our days off away from us , to ‘ staff up ‘ so there staff could have the day off.

Beggar’s belief.

I should have been off from 0700 hrs. on Friday but as I had already made plans for the delivery of the fence panels , they had to go up.

Normally off nights I try and work through it until the evening so I get a sensible sleep, no chance this weekend, finished work then building fence with Papa Zebra until after midday , eventually sleeping at 1430 expecting to get up to an alarm at 1630 , it was only by chance that Papa Zebra popped in and found that I had slept through the alarm , so I was off to work in under 30 minutes thankfully I had done everything I needed to before I slept some.

Hell of a night, falling asleep through every break.

Back the next day and work continued on the fence, until finished.

Finally Done

The Corner

Hanging Gardens

From This

The Old Garden

To This , in one year.

Rear Garden

Very satisfying indeed.

Looks a lot smarter.

But eventfully I slept that night, and today Papa Zebra and I changed some panels before Hx noticed.

After I’d had a visit from from chums Nick , Nicky , Lara & Liam and providing them with some produce from the garden ,I ventured out into uncharted territory a Berkshire Garden centre on a Sunday, arghhh.


All I wanted was to get in and out , garden centres now are like shopping malls, clothing cafes , restaurants , food lines all before you get to the actual garden stuff.

I survived and plodded on with the fencing, I wanted to see what funky colours they had for fences that would be different , but sadly they were lacking , I fancies yellow or something bright for Winter when all the plants have gone, nix nada zilch, so I have plumped for a rustic green.

6 panels done 4 to go [ and that’s only on one side , my viewing side , forget everyone having and enhanced view , I get first viewing ] the rest will be done tomorrow after we have been to the recycling dump , never visit a local authority recycling site at a weekend , all the purple rinse brigade are out in force.

They have the whole week to do stuff, they are retired, so why wait until the weekend ?

Anyway there are before and after shots but the post comes before.

Matron & Hx , you’ll get the shots when I get the tme to upload them.


Off to put on the aftersun.


Been listening and working in the garden listening to this talented chap. Andy McKee

quite awesome

Salmonella Dub; Push on Thru [ Kiwi Dub ]

Fish Rock Cave Dive Video

Shot over the two days we dived there.

Edited And Posted By Scuba Ninja

Sharks , Sharks , Sharks

Junya Does Munkey

We survived , theye are beautiful and a pleasure to be around watch my next campaign [ Grey Shark Conservation ] , we just missed diving by a couple of days or twoi with the grand daughter , I believe of Cousteau himself , who did a shark shoot there last wekk, bugger [ It’s going to be on the Discovery Channel next year during Shark Week ] and popped back okay , long journey [ 6 hours each way ] worth it.

Off to Blue Mountains now for some bush walks.

Photos will be published when we get time some vid footage as well.

Wubble 69 made contact with GS, maybe hitting up next week Sydney Opera House next week.

Got to go suns up , see you , bye

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