February 2008


After a nightmare of a weekend of day shifts , that started at 0430 hrs on Saturday and finally ended at 2210 hrs yesterday, when I finally walked through my front door.

It’s back to the smoke for two nights and then boy am I looking forward to the days off.

Still no news on my leave grant but it appears sadly that once again I will not be able to venture to the southern hemisphere. Big downer.

I will however be able to have a chance to get away, I don’t know where to just yet, but France is high on the agenda.

I constantly scour the www for any employment opportunity in NZ mostly to no avail.

Last week I spied an ace job , Ranger for DOC in Northland , Keri Keri in fact.

Just up my street.

Just as my spirits were lifted, they were soon dashed as I was not a resident and I don’t think DOC would be the sort of agency that would utilise the ‘ Work to residency’ policy.

So it’s back to looking again.

Or waiting for a mysterious benefactor to sponsor me.

I wonder if anyone out there in NZ is looking for someone like me ?

Who can tell ?

It’s just getting there that’s the problem , one could and would be able attend courses and adult education over there.

I have looked into local vocational courses but there is nothing that I could undertake within my windows of availability that tickles my fancy that I could use to increase my emigration prospects.

Eight years seems so far away before I can retire and get over there to indulge in my dreams.

What other options do I have ?

Trying to find interest in this new selection of tunes from my Gogol Bordello , but it’s really not hitting the spot and my hard drive would be better employed with more me stuff.

1802 hrs

Day in – Day out.

They all seem to blur, bit of a negative time really.

I think I definitely reached the end of my tether with my current employer.

But where to go ?

What to do ?

I cannot recollect when I was last stimulated or inspired at the thought of working here.

It’s just endless banal conversation or commentaries on rubbish in the media.

Probably the same as most other people really , I just cannot stand the endless drone of drivel.

It’s mind numbingly boring & soul sapping.

Desperately ploughing through job advertisements , I never thought it would get this bad.

Collecting stamps, would be more stimulating .

So readers , far and wide , if you’re looking for someone like me let me know.

1532 hrs

It’s a day when, you start clock watching.

Why is it when you’re not working the days fly by , but when you’re working it just drags ?

Day in – Day out.

They all seem to blur, bit of a negative time really.

I think I definitely reached the end of my tether with my current employer.

But where to go ?

What to do ?

I cannot recollect when I was last stimulated or inspired at the thought of working here.

It’s just endless banal conversation or commentaries on rubbish in the media.

Probably the same as most other people really , I just cannot stand the endless drone of drivel.

It’s mind numbingly boring & soul sapping.

Desperately ploughing through job advertisements , I never thought it would get this bad.

Collecting stamps, would be more stimulating .

So readers , far and wide , if you’re looking for someone like me let me know.

1532 hrs

It’s a day when, you start clock watching.

Why is it when you’re not working the days fly by , but when you’re working it just drags ?

I don’t need a bag, thanks

Garbage ‘ Soup’ twice area of US in Pacific Ocean.

Well no surprise there then , yet more environmental damage , I dread to think what wildlife is trapped and regularly dying I the name of ‘ Progress ‘ and ‘ Population Boom’

A ‘ Plastic Soup’ soup of rubbish twice the size of the US is floating around the pacific at present.

The drifting expanse of debris, in two separate areas either side of the islands of Hawaii, reaches from 500 miles off the coast of California to almost all the way to Japan.

[We can hope that the only good thing that this expanse can do is scupper the Japanese whaling, sorry scientific research fleet]

It’s growing at a dangerously large rate endangering, heaps of marine life.

It was discovered believe it or not in 1997 during a yacht race, so why have no countries or petrochemical companies, as it is after all them that provided the ‘ Raw’ goods to make said monster?

It translates at around 100 million tonnes of rubbish circulating in the region, held in situ by the underwater currents.

Not happy with landfill, are we trying [And it appears succeeding in filling the ocean trenches]

It’s not actually detectable to satellite photography because it’s below the water’s surface.

‘They’ have attributed approx 1/5th of this to being rubbish thrown of ships and oilrigs, the rest comes from land.

If we as a species do not cut back on the use of disposable plastics, it’s very likely that this ‘soup’ will double in size within 10 years.

How many species will it eradicate by then?

What effect will this have on the marine eco systems?

Is anyone actually listening?

As it stands plastic debris cause the death of more than 1,000,000 seabirds and 100,000 [ Guestimate ] marine mammals a year.

2740 per day, 114 per hour that’s almost 2 per minute.

And that’s just the birds.

Plastic constitutes about 90 % of all rubbish in the ocean.

The UN estimated that in 2006 that there are about 46,000 bits of plastic in every square mile of ocean.

Think, for a moment.

Is that plastic bag at the supermarket, really that essential?

Does that shallot really need to be wrapped in cling film?

Buy your stuff loose, make the supermarket staff work for a living, after all they may only be getting paid a minimal wage, but how many shoppers are getting paid for doing self service checkouts?

Don’t buy into excess packaging that is so commonplace.

Don’t add to the floating land[ocean]fill.

I don’t need a bag, thanks

Garbage ‘ Soup’ twice area of US in Pacific Ocean.

Well no surprise there then , yet more environmental damage , I dread to think what wildlife is trapped and regularly dying I the name of ‘ Progress ‘ and ‘ Population Boom’

A ‘ Plastic Soup’ soup of rubbish twice the size of the US is floating around the pacific at present.

The drifting expanse of debris, in two separate areas either side of the islands of Hawaii, reaches from 500 miles off the coast of California to almost all the way to Japan.

[We can hope that the only good thing that this expanse can do is scupper the Japanese whaling, sorry scientific research fleet]

It’s growing at a dangerously large rate endangering, heaps of marine life.

It was discovered believe it or not in 1997 during a yacht race, so why have no countries or petrochemical companies, as it is after all them that provided the ‘ Raw’ goods to make said monster?

It translates at around 100 million tonnes of rubbish circulating in the region, held in situ by the underwater currents.

Not happy with landfill, are we trying [And it appears succeeding in filling the ocean trenches]

It’s not actually detectable to satellite photography because it’s below the water’s surface.

‘They’ have attributed approx 1/5th of this to being rubbish thrown of ships and oilrigs, the rest comes from land.

If we as a species do not cut back on the use of disposable plastics, it’s very likely that this ‘soup’ will double in size within 10 years.

How many species will it eradicate by then?

What effect will this have on the marine eco systems?

Is anyone actually listening?

As it stands plastic debris cause the death of more than 1,000,000 seabirds and 100,000 [ Guestimate ] marine mammals a year.

2740 per day, 114 per hour that’s almost 2 per minute.

And that’s just the birds.

Plastic constitutes about 90 % of all rubbish in the ocean.

The UN estimated that in 2006 that there are about 46,000 bits of plastic in every square mile of ocean.

Think, for a moment.

Is that plastic bag at the supermarket, really that essential?

Does that shallot really need to be wrapped in cling film?

Buy your stuff loose, make the supermarket staff work for a living, after all they may only be getting paid a minimal wage, but how many shoppers are getting paid for doing self service checkouts?

Don’t buy into excess packaging that is so commonplace.

Don’t add to the floating land[ocean]fill.

Sacred Path : Morning Star

1.8 East Shield – Illumination / Clarity

2. 4 Peyote Ceremony – New Abilities

3. 6 Sundance – Self Sacrifice

4. 2 Sweat Lodge – Purification

5. 1 Pipe – Prayer / Inner Peace

6. 26 Warbonnet – Advance

Sacred Path : Morning Star

1.8 East Shield – Illumination / Clarity

2. 4 Peyote Ceremony – New Abilities

3. 6 Sundance – Self Sacrifice

4. 2 Sweat Lodge – Purification

5. 1 Pipe – Prayer / Inner Peace

6. 26 Warbonnet – Advance

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